Thursday, February 7, 2008

Recent stuff

Well what can I say? I have been very busy with my personal life and all, yet I still find time to work on things. :)

Here's a little preview of what is my recent work
Not too shabby eh? For those that wonder, this is a Nintendo DS firmware editor. This is written based off a idea Squall made. Of a automated way to edit NDS firmware. Currently I'd say the thing is 80% functionally complete. What is left to do is:

* Add support for Unicode strings (bleh)
* Implement CRC16 modbus calculations on the required data

As you can see it uses Windows XP themes. It does so without requiring a manifest, by embedding the manifest inside the executable. Its also coded in pure Win32 C++, which I am proud of. Sadly though, due to the Unicode routines, I have my doubts this will run on legacy OSes. But thats not that important, considering it runs fine on Vista and XP SP2/SP3...


Anonymous said...

can't wait for it to be released ^_^

mudlord said...

Same here, I have been working non stop on this and I cant wait for it to be finished so I can rest lol.

Squall Leonhart said...
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Anonymous said...

those uni students need thier rest!

Anonymous said...

This could have been a nice chance to get into Qt4 ;)

I mean, like using Qt-Assistant to create that dialog and add some functionality to it and have your thingy cross-platform with a simple qmake-file ^^

mudlord said...

"This could have been a nice chance to get into Qt4 ;)

I mean, like using Qt-Assistant to create that dialog and add some functionality to it and have your thingy cross-platform with a simple qmake-file ^^"

Excellent idea.

When its finished, I hope to remake the GUI in Qt...

All my file writing code is cross-platform anyway, so it will work. Same with byteswapping and string handling.